Sharing the most personal whisky shots.

Stay frosty!
Stay frosty When the trees are dripping ice, it's time to find a warm welcoming pub ...

Reverse Waterloo sunset
Bokan, Novotel, Canary Wharf, London 38 floors up, looking back at London from Canary Wharf ...

Is it me …?
Is it me, or is there a horse on that ceiling? When you're strolling through the Jordaan after a pleasant ...

Sunset over Sumatra
Sunset over Sumatra from 1-Altitude, Singapore Sipping a sundowner in Singapore, in the highest alfresco bar in the world, 282 ...

Through the Looking Glass
The Still Room, Gleneagles Hotel, Scotland The Still Room at the Gleneagles hotel looks so warm and inviting in its ...