Category: in the wild

Scotch on the roofs – Red Sky at night.

Watching the sun set slowly over the Armadillo, SSE Hydro and Scottish Exhibition Centre from the Red Sky Bar, Glasgow.

Open Champions

They can’t all be champion, but it’s a class field. Sponsors of The Open 2019. Check out what Robin Williams thinks of our national sport.2:20 of Williams at his best.


£35 for a Johnnie Walker Blue.I shall save this bar its blushes and keep its identity to myself. But I’ll bet they don’t sell a lot of Johnnie Walker Blue Label.

Fire and ice – Smollensky’s, Canary Wharf, London

If shots are not your thing, but you’re in a mood for some Tennessee Fire, why not go for some Fire and Ice. Enjoy the flavoured Jack with ice and soda.If you have a really sweet tooth the fine-grained whiskey provides a firm foundation for a cinnamon liqueur strong enough to match any mixer so […]

Shoulder to shoulder

Amazing what you can get at the supermarket these days. Waitrose in Milngavie, Scotland declaring its allegiences.

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