Irish whiskey month – soon.

Its a hell of a hard life. Bur somebody’s got to do it. Irish whiskey. Well, you would, wouldn’t you. Join us, as we do.

Crabbie 12 year old

Malt of the month for November. Polite, yet full-flavoured malty fruitiness with a peppery smoke. The Crabbie name has been famous for whisky for a long, long time. Since the early 1800s in fact, although the Crabbie family line can be traced back even further, to the ’45, the Jacobite Rebellion and Culloden, the last […]

Is it me …?

When you’re strolling through the Jordaan after a pleasant evening in J.D.William’s Whisky Bar and you realise you might have had a few too many.

Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky

Whisky of the week – Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky. In honour of Japan’s great win against Scotland in Rugby World Cup 19, a whirlwind of a game played in the shadow of a super typhoon with heart and soul and everything left out there on the pitch, this week’s whisky is Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky. […]

Sunset over Sumatra

Sipping a sundowner in Singapore, in the highest alfresco bar in the world, 282 meters above the city at 1-Altitude, 1 Raffles Place, Singapore.

Through the Looking Glass

The Still Room at the Gleneagles hotel looks so warm and inviting in its new spot.

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